The praise page.

“The Ark is a fast-paced thriller written with the ultimate insider’s perspective of the inner-workings of global fashion and finance. Think David vs. Goliath plus a dash of Killing Eve. I couldn’t put it down.” 

Hon. Georgette Mosbacher

US Ambassador to Poland (2018-2021)

“The Ark throws the reader into the simultaneously hopeful, chaotic, and dangerous world that is Central and Eastern Europe in the post-Soviet era, and he does it in a way that only someone who has lived it can. John Lynch’s characters jump from the page, and the cities and cultures in the book come alive.”

Hon. Kenneth Fairfax

The White House. National Security Council Director for Russia, Ukraine & Eurasia. US Ambassador to Kazakhstan (2011-2013)

“The Ark is a spellbinding tale of financial and international intrigue… you will root for Truman Chase and admire his faith as he confronts both the best and the worst of business!”

Prof. Lori Rosenkopf, Ph.D.

Vice Dean of Entrepreneurship
The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania  

“I love a good suspense novel! John Lynch delivers a one-two punch with his action-packed international thriller, The Ark. Moreover, he does it with a hero that I can really relate to – a young and courageous entrepreneur.”

Verne Harnish

Author, Rockefeller Habits [Scaling Up]
Founder Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO)

“The Ark has everything that we love in a thriller: emotions, money, fascinating characters. Plus, the unique perspective of an American in Poland.”


Waldemar Kumór – szef dzialu Kultura, Newsweek (Polska)

“What a debut! And what a thriller.  Bravo – give me more! “

“This riveting debut will have Polish readers begging for more.  What I like the most: Faith Osborne – the brilliant, bold and brave American FBI agent operating out of US Embassy in Warsaw – now that’s my kind of woman. Give me more Faith!”


Agata Młynarska​

TVN Discover, Co-Founder WOŚP, Women’s Advocate

“That an American writer can attain such intimate understanding of the Polish legal system is an achievement in itself. The fact that he did so in such a thrilling & suspenseful way is a gift to Polish readers.”

Zbigniew Ćwiąkalski​

Former Minister of Justice of Poland,
Adwokat, Partner at SPCG
Professor of Law Jagiellonian University

“One of the first American expatriates to come to Poland in the early 90’s, John Lynch gives us a fresh twist on Poland’s wild ride towards capitalism. The Ark is a suspenseful novel with twists and surprises that won’t disappoint. A must read.”

CEE Business Media