The first 30 Reader Reviews for ARKA / The Ark

Reader Reviews – through Dec 31, 2021

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Lubimy Czytać is the Polish equivalent of Good Reads – the most important Reader-review platform in Poland.  More than 24 million reviews have been posted.


Average Reader Rating for ARKA as of January 1, 2022

Empik: (out of 5)                   = 4.8

Lubimy Czytac: (out of 10)     = 7.5


26/11/20217 / 10 Foreign… Hello, hello are there any fans of crime fiction, economics and law? Perheps someone is curious about a crime story different from all the others, where financial crimes call the tune? If so, you’ve come to the right place! John Lynch in his debut takes us on a journey through the world of business and fashion. To a world more brutal than it may seem. On the one hand, we meet Fernando, whose greed and ego

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28/11/2021 10 / 10 I recommend, recommend and once again any time! Super book, fun to read, the plot keeps you in suspense. Worth reading, applause for the author 🙂

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28/11/2021 10 / 10 Dope debut 🙂 Fun to read, engages you in to the max. I’m waiting for other books by this author.

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28/11/2021 10 / 10 On the shelves: Read ‘The Ark’ by John Lynch has everything a good thriller needs: an interesting plot, rising suspension, uncertainty and mystery, as well as love and distinctive characters. It is all the more interesting because it is based on a true story. While reading, you feel that the author is an old hand at the business and knows exactly what he is writing about. I can’t stand incompetent authors who billet off more that

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29/11/2021 Rating:  9 / 10 Fabulous book title! Keeps you in suspense, very good read. Perfect for a Christmas gift😉.

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02/12/2021 Rating:  9 / 10 Read, Favourite, Owned, Reviewed, Perfect for a Gift, Do you like crime and sensation novels inspired by true events? How about the fact that ‘The Ark’ is inspired by events from the author’s life? For me, it’s a screamer. I am fond of novels like this. Let me just add that this is a debut. As for me, very successful. This is a very strong and difficult book title. What can arise from the combination

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03/12/2021 It keeps you in suspense and really intrigues. A book that has been inspired by true events in the crime genre is a real bull’s-eye. In addition, the combination of the fashion world and the crime literary genre for me is perfect! I definitely recommend it!

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05/12/2021 Reportedly, there is nothing more boring than finances. I know something about it, because for a dozen or so years I’ve been bravely wading through tables in the Excel format and looking for something that shouldn’t be there. And when you add the law, a small company based in Cracow and an international investment fund to finance? Hmm… sounds intriguing. After all, John Grisham has been proving for many years that a courtroom is the perfect setting for a

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07/12/2021 A novel that keeps you in suspense bringing Poland and the United States together. A quick and light read. It’s particularly good when you’re having a bad moment in your professional life, because the stubbornness of the main character lifts your spirits. It’s not Dostoyevsky, but I don’t think that’s what we expect from this kind of literature.

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Bartosz Szafran

09/12/2021 John Lynch is certainly aware of business, the nuances of the financial world and economic dependencies. He has spent most of his life building capitalism in Poland. Does he have a talent for writing? The answer to this question is not easy, just as the evaluation of his debut ‘The Ark’ is not easy or unequivocal as the evaluation of the debut ‘The Ark’. I have mixed feelings while reading ‘The Ark’ – after the initial interest in the

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10/12/2021 Business fiction and crime fiction in one. A very successful and, in my opinion, brave debut of an American who has been living in Poland for many years. A lot of accurate observations from business and life. An absorbing novel (read in two weekends!), worth recommending, also for Christmas and not only for those whose second half is connected with business!

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10/12/2021 Hot book. A new genre: business thriller. Legal ones have already been and have been very gripping. ‘The Ark’ is for entrepreneurs and in spe. It is not easy for people outside the business scene to understand how the daily life of a businessman can look like and how proppy the law is in the absence of ethics. How easy it is to manipulate and interpret minor acts, building on them unimaginable legal and financial constructions. That who has

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25-11-2021 at 22:34; Business Sharks. John Lynch’s literary debut is a story about a business which, led by iron-hearted people, is capable of ruining anyone. Even those who do not want to be ruined. The world of big money can be a dangerous one, and the profit-driven machine often goes astray, smelling of scams, unclear connections, and eventually (perhaps) even crime. ‘The Ark’ by John Lynch, despite being a literary fiction, very well captures the realism of these truths, facilitated

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Anna Szulist

31-10-2021 at 09:04; Truman Chase grew up in a poor neighborhood in a small apartment with loving parents. Ever since he has been a little boy he has been interested in fashion and has wanted to make his future career out of it. Although he has got a fairly prestigious position with his guru Ralph Lauren, he has decided to move to Poland to save the family clothing business. With a head full of ambitious and innovative ideas, he has

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12-2021 at 15:12; Do you like crime and sensation novels inspired by true events? How about the fact that ‘The Ark’ is inspired by events from the author’s life? For me, it’s the screamer. I am fond of novels like this. Let me just add that this is a debut. As for me, very successful. This is a very strong and difficult book title. What can arise from the combination of fashion and finance? Real big trouble – ‘The Ark’.

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27-12-2021 at 11:44; ‘The Ark’ is a brilliant debut by an American author. Recently, I’ve been lucky with very successful literary debuts lately. In this book, the author describes a very readable story that is inspired by true events. In my opinion, it has been crafted very well and the story works well. A unique plot, the title would indicate a million and one connections, but it would rather not occur to anyone that it could be about investment funds.

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Honorata Jamroży

21-12-2021 at 19:01; John Lynch and his ‘The Ark’ is a kind of professional career and life autobiography of the author. Reading this book, you have the impression that you are in the middle of formation a company. We know very well that in order to stand out and make a name for yourself in a certain industry you need a lot of sacrifice. Sometimes owners of the companies, not wanting to lose them, forfeit their families, savings, health. Sometimes

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20-12-2021 at 17:27 The financial world including mutual funds, stock exchanges, shares…. is a complicated machine, that makes some people exorbitantly rich, and the others bankrupt? These mechanisms are not governed by fair rules, but by wiliness, manipulation, corruption and fraud. Hostile takeovers of companies and the siphoning off large sums of money are the actions of a Puerto Rican – Fernando Tomasi, who also does business in Eastern Europe. The FBI and the Securities Exchange Commission are hard on

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Weronika Sugalska

26-11-2021 at 17:10; Hello, hello are there any fans of crime fiction, economics and law? Perhaps someone is curious about a crime story different from all the others, where financial crimes call the tune? If so, you’ve come to the right place! John Lynch in his debut takes us on a journey through the world of business and fashion. To a world more brutal than it may seem. On the one hand, we meet Fernando, whose greed and ego are

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17-12-2021 at 20:39; ‘The Ark’. This title may evoke many associations, but would you think it would refer to the name of a mutual fund? Well, that’s probably not the case, but in this book that’s exactly what it appears to be. And what is it about? Well, about finances, about funds, including investment funds, and as a whole you would think many people would get lost, but fortunately the author has ensured that this is not the case and

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Zaczytany Kącik

21-12-2021 at 16:23 ‘The Ark’ is a literary debut written by an American entrepreneur who lives in Poland. The plot is all its own, I haven’t read books about investment funds before. An interesting fact is that the author describes events that are inspired by the real ones. In my opinion the whole thing works out. The author presented a surprising picture of fashion and finance. It is a detective story that did not bore me, I have been curious

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19-12-2021 at 21:22 ‘The Ark’ is a novel is unputdownable until you’ve read it in its entirety. It keeps you in suspense. I like books whose plot surprises and cannot be easily foreseen. This is how the author of ‘The Ark’ builds the plot. Great portrayal of the supporting character, Karolina, who is my favorite character in this book. Recommended!

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Amelia Poloczek

13-12-2021 at 20:34; An astonishing debut. Something new, a combination of the world of fashion, designers and business. Furthermore, focused on two countries Poland and the USA. The world of big money is fascinating on the one hand, on the other hand, it turns out to be dangerous. In my opinion, as for a debut, the book is really interesting and worth attention. I recommend it.

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03-12-2021 at 03:46; It keeps you in suspense and really intrigues. A book that has been inspired by true events in the crime genre is a real bull’s-eye. In addition, the combination of the fashion world and the crime literary genre for me is perfect! I definitely recommend it!

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# 783; 27/12/2021; Rating: 7 / 10; ‘The Ark’ is a very brilliant debut by an American author. Recently, I’ve been lucky with very successful literary debuts. There are many twists in the plot of ‘The Ark’ which makes the book very engaging. One wrong decision in a company can have very disastrous consequences, so be wary. In my opinion, the entire plot and characters as well as the twists of the plot are very well thought out by the

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21/12/2021; Rating: 7 / 10; ‘The Ark’ is a literary debut written by an American entrepreneur who lives in Poland. The plot is all its own, I haven’t read books about investment funds before. An interesting fact is that the author describes events that are inspired by the real ones. In my opinion the whole thing works out. The author presented a surprising picture of fashion and finance. It is a detective story that has not bore me, I have

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17/12/2021; Rating: 10 / 10; ‘The Ark’. This title may evoke many associations, but would you think it would refer to the name of a mutual fund? Well, that’s probably not the case, but in this book that’s exactly what it appears to be. And what is it about? Well, about finances, about funds, including investment funds, and as a whole you would think many people would get lost, but fortunately the author has ensured that this is not the

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13.12.2021; Rating: 8 / 10; Surprising and engrossing is what ‘The Ark’ is. It’s a debut novel and as for a debut I think it’s really good. Something new in the world of books. A combination of fashion, the world of finance, as well as Poland and the USA.

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12/12/2021; Rating: 7 / 10; Truman Chase, an American fashion designer, comes to Poland to save his family’s clothing business. When things have begun to go well for him in his love and professional life, Fernando appears on his path. He is dangerous, and eventually decides to take over the already successful company owned by Truman. If you find yourself in the world of investments, finance and enterprises then this book is definitely for you. It’s a great source of

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