Anna Szulist

31-10-2021 at 09:04;

Truman Chase grew up in a poor neighborhood in a small apartment with loving parents. Ever since he has been a little boy he has been interested in fashion and has wanted to make his future career out of it. Although he has got a fairly prestigious position with his guru Ralph Lauren, he has decided to move to Poland to save the family clothing business.

With a head full of ambitious and innovative ideas, he has quickly earned a new lease on life to the company and has developed a fashion brand recognised around the world. For 10 years he has been living in happiness not only professionally, but has also found the love of his life.

Then, the financial and economic crisis has come, which the whole world has felt, and the investment fund, which has lent Truman money for the development of the company, has shown its dark, unpredictable face.

Will Truman sink with the Ark on the swollen seas of treacherous financial games or will he manage to save his life’s work?

The action is initially unhurried, so you can get into the subject, which is rather unusual in thrillers: holding companies, investment funds, hostile takeovers, business crimes – in a word, the great world of finance, which for me – a humanist by education – at first seemed very mysterious, incomprehensible, even frightening, but then the action has hit the ground running and I was drowned in the reading, even with blushing at times.

‘The Ark’ is a seemingly inconspicuous, but full of references name of the investment fund referring to the biblical Noah. According to the originator, the Ark will hold the fund’s capital, be solid and unsinkable, but don’t be fooled. The Ark of the title is an engrossing thriller that reveals the backstage of the world of fashion and big, global business. And it is ruthless and very predatory – like a shark it attacks the careless and inexperienced.

How much strength is needed to stay afloat?

The author has taken care of the creation of the characters. I have liked Truman from the first sentence, while I couldn’t believe how arrogant, self-opinionated, nonchalant and blockhead Fernando could be. In his previous incarnation he must have been a knight!

A great, exciting thriller with a unique atmosphere and set in an unusual place in the world of fashion and business. The story described in a fascinating way has not only showed the behind-the-scenes games, deals, negotiations, not fair intentions and machinations in the business world, but has also exposed the power of greed, human rapacity and the enormous magic of money, for which some people completely lose their minds, forgetting about the meaning of the words: morality, honesty and ethics.

Yes, money is necessary, but we must not be blinded by it. Dreams of immeasurable wealth are not for everyone. I have spent two wonderful evenings with the book. I couldn’t believe it has been the author’s debut! Oh yes, he has set the bar high! This has been a story with a bang and I’m excited to read more!

I would like to thank PRart Media and Ringier Axel Springer Polska publishing house for the opportunity to read the book.